"Hear the word of the Lord". Jeremiah 22:29
On July 14, 2015, the United States and 5 other major countries, with agreement with the United Nations of the world, made an deal with Iran which in essence builds atomic bombs and missiles to destroy God's people, Israel. This is what Iran has sworn to do many, many times, and they will now have the power to accomplish this.
At the same time we flew by the dwarf planet Pluto, the god of the underworld and death.
We have made a treaty with death for Israel, the place of the birth and crucifixion of the savior of the world, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ).
This does not please the Savior and the Creator of the Universe.
Two days later, July 16, the world also remembered the 70th anniversary of the very first atomic bomb, made from Plutonium.
On July 18, 2015, the Solar system to which the Earth belongs, also held a meeting with its three brightest members, Jupiter (king of the planets), Venus (the bright and morning star, a name for Jesus), the Moon (a type of the Bride of the king, reflecting his light), and the star Regulus ( the 'heart' of the constellation Leo the Lion).
This meeting lasted only a few hours, but I believe it has to do with the judgments written in the Book of Revelation 5:1-5
"A book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals…Who is worthy to open the book,… behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book..
This is the "Title Deed to the Earth", yes the entire Earth. God is getting ready to return in person for the second time in history. He will not return as a sacrificial Lamb, but as a "Roaring Lion". Same God, just a different time, to make all things right.
This "Title Deed of the Earth" will be good for 1,000 years. Then there will be a new heavens and a new earth. The Jewish Messiah will celebrate His Sabbath for 1,000 years here on Earth with His Bride. The world is coming to the end of 6,000 years, so God will have His Shabbat, for 1,000 years. He reproved the nation of Israel for not keeping their Sabbaths and Shemittah years, so our God will definitely not miss His own.
God judged the nation of Egypt with 10 plagues for mistreating His people, the Jews. This time it will be the entire Earth that is facing judgment.
"And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. " Revelation 14:19
God is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish. Jesus is the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." (Rev. 13:8) That is 6,000 years. Maybe our time is up. He created time, He created the entire Earth, and you and me.
The world has made an agreement with Death, with Pluto the god of the underworld as witness.
Now the rest of the planets and star constellations will help usher in a new "owner" of the world to run things. The world is not ending, it is just returning to its original owner and maker.
Yeshua, Jesus.
Yeshua is the Nobleman who went into a far country to receive a Kingdom, and when He returned He took account of His servants. Jesus left for two thousand years and is soon returning to reclaim His real estate, the entire Earth. Do you want to share the Millenial Reign with the King?
What does it look like just before Judgment? Pretty normal, life is going on, but then…Sodom was destroyed by what appears to be a nuclear explosion, the day before was ordinary. The day before Noah's flood, people were eating and drinking, building and working, until the flood came and took them all away.
Jesus said the two main commandments is to “Love God with all you heart, soul, and mind, and to Love your neighbor as yourself.”
God created the universe for the crown of His creation: Mankind.
God rushed through the creation, with only five days without Mankind. God wanted to fellowship with someone who was “made in His image”. He took the soil from the earth and formed man personally with His hands and fingers. Then He breathed into him the ‘breath of life’, like a kiss.
He made man in His image. He did not use earthen soil that was polluted with the dead bones of millions of years of evolution. He created man out of the earth that was pure, before death and sin, this is more like God’s image.
God says that because of sin, then came death. Mankind was not created after death. Man was created in God’s image, at his rebellion, then came sin and death.
Where did these billions of years come from? Not from the Bible. God created the universe to relate to man. The Big Bang theory with its billions of years puts God far away, impersonal, and reduced to a pinhead. The future in the Big Bang theory is a heat death, where everything , every atom is so cooled down as to never again to interact with another atom. This end is lonely, meaningless, lifeless, and as if we never even existed.
For those who want the Big Bang in the beginning, instead of the Genesis of the Bible, this is your ending: no God, no meaning, no nothing. You cannot have the Heaven in Revelation 21 and 22 and remove Genesis 1 and 2.
Christians believe in Heaven with its paradise and fellowship with their Creator and other believers for eternity. Yes, this is why we were made in the first place. So if we believe in the end of our hope of salvation, how can we reduce the first chapters of Genesis to a fairytale? The Bible maintains that both are true. Like Genesis, Jesus says he was there “In the beginning”.
Evolution has turned our heads backwards: They have billions of years of stars, galaxies, volcanoes, gases in space, and then at the very end, Mankind.
The Bible says there was only five days, and then came man on the sixth day. If the Bible says First, Second, Third day, then it means ordinary 24 hour days (days mankind can relate to). If the Bible says "evening and morning", then it again means ordinary days. Time and days are God's invention, for mankind to order his life on earth. The seven day week is universal throughout the world. God made the world for mankind, the being that was made in His image. All these millions and billions of years makes the universe meaningless. The Gospel of Luke traces the ancestry of Jesus Christ back to Adam, a few thousand years. And Adam was the Son of God.
We are connected to the Creator, and the savior Yeshua, Jesus, who was also there "In the Beginning". God rushed through the creation to get to man made in His image. Then God rested on the seventh day and had fellowship and "breakfast" with Adam and Eve in the garden paradise. God 'desired' to have this first meal with mankind as Jesus 'desired' to have the 'Last Supper (the Jewish Seder)' with His disciples. God is the creator, and controls nature and time and space and stars. Don’t get turned around by the evolutionists whose end is meaningless and death and separation from God.
The turning point of men worshipping the creation instead of the Creator is day four of Creation: The creation of the sun, moon, and stars, corresponding to the fourth Feast of the Lord, Pentecost or Shavuot. Mankind has chosen to worship the sun, moon, and stars, which represent the glory of the Creator, who we should be honoring. The Tower of Babel was man's attempt to reach and map the stars, which God put to confusion, or 'Babel'. The Egyptians worshipped the sun god, whom God put to darkness. The ancient people who lived in England had 'Stonehenge', and the Aztecs had Teotihuacan with the Pyramid of the Sun and the Moon. The Catholic Church has continued this deception with their giant binocular telescope in southern Arizona. Their search for extra-terrestrial (E.T.'s) life has the nick name of the "Lucifer Project".
Even today, "Star Wars", aliens, and entire host of movies, characters, and mythology has arisen glorifying outer space, instead of the maker of the stars who can be found in your heart. The stars reveal God's glory, but His presence is found in the hearts of men who trust in Jesus. This is what happened on the fourth Feast, Pentecost. God's glory and Holy Spirit came down to give man His presence and the power to be Sons of God. We need to choose between the deceptive mythology of astrology and alien creatures, or the Holy spirit that leads to the Savior and True God, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah.
Man was created on day six, therefore most of the time of the earth is about man and man, and God and man. That’s why the two chief commandments apply. Man has been here 6000 years times 365 days, that is about 2.2 million days. There was a short time before man, and most the Universe is with mankind as a resident in this world. Do you ever wonder why written history only goes back about 6000 years? Really, don't you know we are the only planet with life, because we are special and Jesus gave His life for us. Yes, God did visit us, and gave us the instruction book to life on earth: The Bible. Egyptian pyramids and Mesopotamia, a couple of thousand years BC. There are no cities and countries 500,000 years ago.
There is a new creation, and that is the race of men of the second Adam, Yeshua, Jesus Christ. These are the people that are born again, of the Spirit, and they will inherit eternal life in that heavenly paradise of Chapters 21 and 22 of Revelation.
These are the ones that Jesus said to His disciples, He Breathed on them and said receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Just like the first Adam, when God breathed into him the breath of life, so once again, God is breathing into His children the eternal breath of eternal life, by His Spirit.
Have you received this life giving Spirit into your Heart?
The Bible is truly about the Messiah Yeshua and His Bride. God did not wait billions of years to fellowship with His Bride, but built the “house” for the bride in six days so there could be communion between God and man on the Seventh Day, the Shabbat.
The sun, moon, and stars are great, the mountains, flowers, and streams are wonderful, but this world is about men, women, and God. That is what is most important in this world. God creates the universe as a house for man to live in, and God’s presence is right there in the Garden of Eden, casually ‘in the cool of the day’.
When a couple first get married they move into their new home right away, there is no reason to wait. God created the universe for His bride, mankind, and he wanted them to set-up house right away. It is about us. It is about doing the right things in obedience to God, our Maker and Savior. It is also about eternity, with God in paradise. This was the past in the Garden of Eden, and this is the future of the New Heavens and the New Earth.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
When did God start loving mankind, from the beginning, in the Garden of Eden. The Bible concerns how God will bring men and women back into fellowship with Himself. Seas, stars, mountains, trees, are just the backdrop to God and mankind.
That is why the Creation account in Genesis 1 is absolutely true, because the end goal of creation is Man with God. The Seven Day week was created for man, and that is what this world is about. This is the subject matter of the Bible, because God values mankind more than anything else, and proved it by dying for us.
Genesis was not so long ago and far away to make our Creator remote and mankind insignificant. No, God willed mankind to appear on the 6th Day from the beginning of the world, only about 6,000 years ago. This makes God close and nearby, Emmanuel, God with us. This is God’s world, and He is near, and returning very soon.
God created the world, returned once as the Sacrificial Lamb of God on Passover, and soon He will return again as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to rule over His creation. He is returning for the most valuable thing in the world, His Bride, and He cannot be stopped. He will come soon to judge and rule the earth.
Many people say that the world is not bad enough for the return of the Lord, or that God may ‘kick the can’ down the road another 20, 50, or 1000 years. But I think if you look around, events are centering on Israel and the Middle East, the moral climate we live in is upside down, and we have the technology and weapons to destroy ourselves.
Now here are the scriptures God showed me from Ezekiel 12:25-28:
“For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it, says the LORD God.
Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say, The vision that he sees is for many days to come, and he prophesies of the times that are far off.
Therefore say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; There shall none of my words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done, saith the LORD God.”
It is happening right before our eyes at an ever accelerating pace. When the Headlines in the news match the Biblical predictions, then heads up, watch, repent, and be ready for the KING of Kings.
There are three wars in preparation, with every nation in motion:
Ezekiel 38 Russia and Iran
Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus
Psalm 83 The immediate neighbors of Israel
There are three sins, in the middle of God’s Torah, all in one chapter - Leviticus 20:
Abortion verses 2,3 60 million in America alone
The Gay situation verse 13 Only in Noah’s time did men marry men
Strange Spirits verse 6 Many false messiahs and beliefs
We boast in our technology, which one man can take control of and rule the world.
Cell phones, computers, satellite communications, internet, and jet travel.
But the “elephant” in the room that is everywhere is NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
We are coming up to the 70th anniversary of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945 - 2015. The effects of the Bomb match the scriptures in Zechariah 14:12,
“And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in the holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.“
This is like reading John Hersey’s 1946 book, Hiroshima.
There are thousands of Nuclear weapons in the world. They are ready to be launched in a moments notice. They can strike within 10 to 60 minutes, from missiles, mobile ground launchers, submarines, and jets.
North Korea threatens us with nuclear weapons
The entire Iran negotiations are about nuclear weapons
Russia has been performing nuclear drills
Russia’s new doctrine is tactical nuclear weapons against conventional weapons Pakistan has new long range missiles and talks of tactical nuclear weapons The biggest fear is terrorists using nuclear weapons It is all here, at the doors, you decide for yourself.
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Bob Lyons March 29, 2015
The Bible speaks of Nuclear War in several places:
Zechariah 14:12
"And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem;
Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth."
This is exactly the description of the victims of a nuclear bomb as seen in John Hersey's book, "Hiroshima."
II Peter 3:10
"the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat, the earth also and the works therein shall be burned up".
Let's get real, this is Nuclear War, not men sitting around in suits and ties in padded chairs discussing the fate of real men, women, and children, whether they be Israeli, American, Russian, or Iranian. Your flesh will melt and some will become "shadow" men, just a shadow remaining on a wall where they once stood, as it happened on August 6, 1945 in Hiroshima.
So here is the message from the Space Probe New Horizons and the dwarf Planet Pluto:
Greek mythology and modern rocket science.
Pluto: god of the underworld / Roman god of death
Moons of Pluto:
Charon: Ferryman of the river Styx of the underworld, paid with a coin in the mouth of the dead
Styx: River crossed over to go to Hades, also goddess who ruled the river
Nix: Greek goddess of darkness and night, mother of Charon
Keberos: Many headed dog that guarded the entrance to the underworld
Hydra: Nine headed serpent that battled Hercules Cargo carried by the New Horizons space probe: (besides scientific experiments)
Ashes of Clyde Tombaugh - the discoverer of Pluto in 1930
434,000 names of people on a CD-Rom
Coins - Florida state quarter, Maryland state quarter
U.S. Flag
Postal Stamp
It is too similar: actual ashes of a dead person, coins, and the space probe is powered by Plutonium.
Jude 13:
"Wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever."
The word wanderer in Greek is the word 'Planet'.
Stars stay within their constellations, planets 'wander' through the stars.
Would you rather choose life and light, rather than death and darkness in the depths of space?
God is coming back soon, before we destroy ourselves. Are you ready to meet the Jewish Messiah: Jesus Christ, Yeshuah HaMashiach?
Pluto and the Iranian Deal - July 14, 2015
A strange coincidence occurred on July 14, 2015: The Space Probe New Horizons past by the dwarf planet Pluto while the United States and several other nations were signing a Nuclear Agreement with Iran. The space probe took nine years and 4 billion miles to get there, and the Iranian Nuclear deal had actually been in the works for a decade (including all the nuclear inspections in Iran). It is against the odds for these two diverse events to occur at the same time due to countless delays and involving massive scientific and global political events.
Now the horrible thing about all of this involves nuclear bombs: Hiroshima was a uranium atomic bomb, while the one dropped on Nagasaki was a plutonium nuclear bomb. Iran is suspected of trying to produce Uranium and Plutonium nuclear bombs.
The word Plutonium is based on the name of the planet Pluto. (Uranium is based on the planet Uranus.) The New Horizons space probe is powered by a Plutonium generator, that will keep it going for another 20 years. If there is an event in the stars, I always like to check if there is an event here on the ground on Earth. Well, this time there definitely was, and it is described by its literal name: PLUTONIUM.
This is like in a movie where the man falls off a cliff and there is one last branch sticking out of the hillside to hold on to before a 2,000 foot fall. This last branch is Pluto, trying to warn us here on Earth about our greatest threat: Nuclear War.
The Iranian deal cannot be verified by International Nuclear inspectors, the current centrifuges and other hardware remains in Iranian hands, so the deal is really no deal: the nuclear threat continues with the added threat of an arms race in the Middle East.
Now all this has occurred during the Muslim month of Ramadan, the Jewish fast of the Dire Straits (the three weeks before Tisha B'av), and the astronomical event of the "Blue Moon" ( two full moons in one calendar month).
“For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 20:11
This is the fourth of the Ten Commandments. This is a statement, but even more, this is a commandment. God was there “In the Beginning” (Beresheet), and he knows how it all started.
God created time. God created the Sabbath Day as a time and place to meet with mankind. God would not be late to His very first Sabbath day. He showed up and Adam and Eve showed up. It was their Divine appointment after the Creation. Just like it says, God worked six days to create the Universe, and then met with people, those made in His image. God met with man on the 7th day, the first and most important Moadim, the divine appointment. This was to fulfill the meaning of life and of the Universe: to Love God and to Love each other. Man and God both had to be there to fulfill the ultimate purpose of life.
He is the Lord of Time, and the Lord of the Moadim, the Divine appointments to meet with man. He will also show up at the Sabbath of Sabbaths, the Feast of Tabernacles at the end of this age, the Millennium. There have been almost 6,000 years in History, and God will show up at the beginning of the 7,000th year. Notice that the Sabbath and the 6 days of creation are mentioned first in the list of Moadim in Leviticus 23. We must meet with God as He has planned.
Yeshua, Jesus, said in Mark:
“The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: Therefore the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath.”
Both the Torah and the Renewed Covenant teach the reality of the Sabbath Day. The Sabbath day was made for man, therefore it is a single 24 hour day that relates to man. Because the Sabbath day is an ordinary day, the other six days of creation must be ordinary, for it must relate to man: the one made in God’s image.
It is six ordinary days because this is exactly what the Bible says.Please read the Fourth Commandment again. In six rotations of the earth, the Universe was complete. God’s desire was to enjoy breakfast in the Garden of Eden with the only ones made in His image.
What are the two most important things in the Universe?Yeshua (Jesus) said in Mark 12:29 -31:
“Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord:And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they mind and with all thy strength, and Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”
That first Sabbath in the Garden of Eden was the first full day in the Universe where this was possible. Man and woman, Bride and Bridegroom, had to exist for this to happen. God did not wait billions of years of animals dying before man existed. On the contrary, Man was made in the image of God, the ground he was made of was not polluted with dead bones. In no way this would reflect the Image of God, or in His likeness. Genesis 1:26-27;
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
The ground man was made from was untainted by dead bones, this one statement dissolves all arguments about evolutionary myths.
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”Genesis 2:7
This is all about life, breath, and the living God. God is alive, He forms living things.
Man is the crown of creation, and when he sinned, then came death, millions of men and animals dead with their bones. It was not so in the beginning. The Bible has it right, evolution has it all reversed.
Remember, the highest purpose, given by our Maker and Savior Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ), is to love God and love your neighbor. God did not wade through billions of years and millions of dead bodies to achieve the highest goal in the universe. The Living God achieved all this with Seven Spins of the Earth, seven ordinary days, for the Sabbath was made for man, and Yeshua is Lord of the Sabbath, and the entire Universe.
Man was made in the image of God. Think of God holding man in His hands and breathing into him the breath of life. This is up close and personal, Face to Face, breathing in more than ‘air’, but all the qualities that make us in God’s image: intelligence, music, art, creativity, dance, writing and poetry, technology, exploration, science, sports, medicine, and the ability to comfort and understand one another.
No other creature even comes close to all these abilities, we are light years ahead of all other living things. We are made in God’s image, that’s why!
There was a second time that God breathed on man, and that was by the Savior Himself, Yeshua, Jesus,
“Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father has sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Spirit.” John 20:21,22
“O Earth, Earth, Earth, Hear the word of the LORD.” Jeremiah 22:29
Oh, yes, the Earth is a small planet in our Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy of 200 billion stars. But there is no place in the Universe that even compares to the abundance and variety of life we have here on our home planet. The complexity of even the simplest organism, the design of DNA molecules, and the raw natural forces of gravity, electro-magnetism, and nuclear forces, forbid any hint of chance creating these things, even in a trillion years.
The key to understanding creation is the Sabbath. The Sabbath points to and is the actual experience of the meaning of the Universe and the end picture of what we call “Salvation”.
It is the Bride and Bridegroom in open fellowship with God, their Maker and Savior, in the light of Paradise. This is what the first Sabbath day was like for Adam and Eve (yes real people) in the Garden of Eden on the seventh day. It is totally New Testament grace, peace, and love. God did the works in six 24 hour days, so mankind could enjoy Paradise with God on the seventh ordinary day. This fulfills the highest purpose of the Universe: loving God and loving your neighbor.
It only took SEVEN SPINS OF THE EARTH to get there.
Now what is going on today, and why is it so wrong? The simple answer is SIN, disobedience to God. God is light, but our fallen human nature seems to love darkness.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life…And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:16,19
The first access to “salvation in paradise” took only seven days. Since mankind has sinned, blood sacrifice is required to bring man back to paradise. All the blood sacrifices of the Old Testament are symbols of the ultimate sacrifice of God’s only Son, Yeshua, Jesus.
The complete redemption and restoration of mankind and the planet earth now requires 7,000 years instead of only 7 days.
II Peter 3:8,9
“That one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord… is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
This scripture is actually about the salvation of man in Paradise with God. The first Paradise was in Seven Days. The next Paradise takes 7,000 years. We are close to the end of 6,000 years of history since Adam and Eve in the Garden of the first paradise.
The Lord Yeshua is preparing to return to Israel and the capital city of Jerusalem. He has bought mankind, and the planet earth itself, by His blood, and He will return to enjoy His property by restoring it for a thousand year Sabbath. The first Sabbath was only one day in Paradise.The coming Sabbath will last 1,000 years, the Millenium, with Yeshua ruling in person as King of kings. This is what the end of our Faith looks like here on Earth, before the New Heavens and the New Earth.
This is the true Feast of Tabernacles, the double Sabbath, God with us in person, Emmanuel. It is the Second Coming of our beloved Messiah.
As a post-script to this article, let it be remembered that whenever the Bible states: First Day, Second Day, Third Day, etc., it always means a 24 hour ordinary day.
Also, when the Bible says Evening and Morning, it always means a 24 hour day. God made time.
It is His Universe, and He made us to (1) Love Him (2) Love one another. Welcome to the Sabbath day of rest, love, and peace.
On July 14, 2015, we were warned by the Planet Pluto, the Roman god of death, not to sign the Iranian Nuclear Deal. The deal was signed on the same day of the Pluto photo flyby. This deal grants Iran full possession of its nuclear centrifuges and full nuclear bomb capability in fifteen years. They continue to chant ‘death to Israel and death to America’.
Now we are facing an even greater menace, Russia and Iran are teaming up just a few miles north of Israel, with a major military push against all the enemies of Syria. This is exactly the scenario in Ezekiel 38, where Russia and Iran unite to attack Israel.
Mars, the Roman god of war, will be at planetary opposition on May 22, 2016. This will be its closest approach in several years. Isaiah 17:1 says “Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.” Russia, Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah are all converging on this city to protect Syria from Isis. We are not just talking about future wars, but wars today.
Who knows how big the war will be by May 22, 2016! Don’t you realize we are already in a World War, there just aren’t Nuclear bombs exploding yet. Now that Russia has ships, jets, tanks and artillery, all the major countries are directly involved in the Mid-East crisis: United States, Russia, France, Germany, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Yemen, Gulf States, Libya.
The United Nations has a scripture from the Bible outside its building in New York City, it is from Isaiah 2:4, “They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any amore”.
This is when the Jewish Messiah returns to rule the Earth, Yeshua, Jesus Christ.
However, there will be a time of great war before the Lord returns, so we look at Joel 3:9,10 :
“Proclaim ye this among the Nations; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:
Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears…”
It is always a time for peace, but it looks like war, right now.
Is someone telling Russia to be on the move, what is making Isis fight the entire world; we are in a spiritual battle that is being played out among the nations.
It is WWIII, it is the entire planet that is starting to be at war. The Lord himself must and will return before we destroy ourselves.
We did not heed the warning of the god of death, Pluto, so we are following the god of war, Mars. All of the Iranian deal can be reduced to one word: Plutonium.
This is the main ingredient of a nuclear bomb. It it the power source of the space ship that flew by Pluto, and the word Plutonium is of course from Pluto. Russia has had practice nuclear drills while upgrading its nuclear arsenal. North Korea is threatening with nuclear bombs, and increasing its missile delivery range. If only one solitary nuclear bomb goes off in this world, the 'fallout', politically, emotionally, and militarily could push us over the top.
Oh, one more thing, for those of you who are searching for extra-terrestial life, you may get more than you asked for.
The Bible in the book of Revelation speaks of all kinds of creatures that will be released from another dimension, that will come for war and judgment on the Planet Earth: thus the War of the Worlds.
It is time to repent before the great and awesome day of the Lord. Receive Yeshua, Jesus, before that soon approaching day.
The Sun, Moon, and Stars are God’s “Jeweled Timepiece”, so the Bride of Yeshua will know the ‘Appointed Time’ of the arrival of her Bridegroom.
This ultimate purpose of the heavenly bodies is seen in Genesis 1:14;
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to
divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
This scripture confirms that God created the stars by His word, and they are for His purposes:
To give us light (symbol of Jesus, the Light of the World)
For signs – Hebrew ‘owth’, Strongs 226; signals, warnings, beacons For seasons – Hebrew ‘moadim’ Strongs 4150; appointed times and appointed places, which are the Feasts of the Lord To mark time – days and years
These ‘lights in the firmament’ that serve as warning beacons, include not only the ‘Blood Moons’ and Solar Eclipses, but all the stars. Planets by definition are ‘wandering stars’.
When we look at the planetary alignment on October 11, 2015, we also need to consider the situation on the ground, here on the Earth.
Russia and Iran are sending military forces to Syria, literally on the doorstep of Israel. This may be preparation for the Gog and Magog War in Ezekiel 38. Syria’s capital is Damascus –preparation for Isaiah 17, the destruction of the city that will never be inhabited again Palestinian uprising in Israel, which began again over a dispute about the Temple Mount: the epicenter of Middle East turmoil. Psalm 83 War The lights in the firmament appeared at dawn in this order on October 11, 2015:
REGULUS (Brightest star in Leo the Lion)
“The Heart of the Lion of Judah will roar over His people and the land of Israel,
VENUS (Brightest of all stars and planets Revelation 22:16)
through their King Yeshua, the Bright and Morning Star, rising very early,
MARS (Symbol of War) (Planet Uranus at opposition –Uranium)
and will wage War (possible nuclear)
JUPITER (King of the planets) (Gog and Magog)
with the largest of the enemy forces.
MERCURY (Speedy Messenger)
The message is given
MOON (Smallest crescent disappear moon, last day of month)
at the last days of the Bride, as she will quickly into the arms of her Bridegroom.
(New Moon the next day, merges with the Sun)
"The Heart of the Lion of Judah will roar over His people and the Land of Israel, through their King Yeshua, the Bright and Morning Star, rising very early, and will wage war with the largest of enemy forces.
The message is given at the last days of the Bride, as she will disappear quickly into the arms of her Bridegroom."
This is the exact purpose of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, to direct our hearts to the coming King, Bridegroom and Savior, Yeshua, Jesus.
“One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”, II Peter 3:8. What does this mean in the context of the entire chapter of II Peter 3? The full context of this statement concerns the Complete Plan of our Salvation. The passage begins in verse four with man’s ignorance about Creation, The Flood of Noah, and the final Judgment by Fire. Then in verse nine, God says that He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. The previous verse (seven) and the following verse (ten) are all about judgment by fire: so the context is the Complete Plan of the Salvation of Man: repentance, and then returning to Paradise and escaping this fire!
The Complete Picture of Salvation begins in creation with the Garden of Eden: The Bride and Bridegroom living in Paradise and walking with God in the light of Day. The same image of Salvation is presented at the end of the Bible in Revelation 21 and 22: The Bride and Bridegroom living in Paradise in the light of the Living God. Jesus is the Creator and Savior, the first and the last of all things. He replaced the first Adam who failed. Jesus was sinless and was qualified together with his Bride to have dominion over the Earth, which will begin 6,000 years after creation, the end of the 6th Day. Isaiah says that God knows the end from the beginning: the end is prophesied in the 7 Day Creation week.
The First Complete Picture of Salvation was finished in seven days, the Creation Week. This plan was before Man sinned and required no Blood Sacrifice. After man had sinned, it would take 7,000 years for God to enter History, to die for mankind, and to restore man back to Paradise and fellowship with His Maker. The Seven Days of Creation are 24 hour days, for whenever the Bible says Evening and Morning, or 1st day, 2nd day, etc, it always means 24 hour days.
A Day is as a Thousand Years is not a metaphor, this is an absolute comparison: because the context is the “time” needed to accomplish the Complete Salvation of Mankind: to bring him back to Paradise and a right relationship with His Creator and Savior.
It took 7 days for the Complete Picture of Salvation in a world before sin (everything was very good).
It will take 7,000 years to Complete the Picture of Salvation after man sinned, and death and decay entered the Universe (restore the world to ‘very good’). Then God will create a New Heavens and a New Earth. (Revelation 21)
Real written Historic records only go back a few thousand years. All other dating methods include assumptions which cannot be scientifically confirmed because we were not there. The earth is nearing the end of 6,000 years according to the Genealogies in the Bible (Genesis 1-11, and Luke 4, Adam to Jesus). The millennial rule of Jesus Christ is soon to begin. He is Lord of the Sabbath, so He will rule the earth in the last 1,000 years on this planet: 6,000th year to the 7,000th year, the Sabbath of Days. The number of Man is 6, corresponding to his creation on the sixth day. He may have lasted only 6 days in the Garden of Eden before eating of the Tree of Good and Evil: History is the result of this decision. Man has had 6,000 years to rule the World, and he has brought us to the edge of Armageddon. The biggest issue in the year 2016 is Terrorism and Nuclear Weapons. Jesus needs to return before we blow ourselves up.
The Seven Days of the Creation week correspond to the Seven Feasts of the Lord in Leviticus 23. The Seven Feasts are God’s Seven Appointments with mankind to Complete the Plan of Salvation. The Sabbath Day in the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12, links the days of Creation with the Feasts, beginning with Darkness to Light on the First Day. This corresponds to the Light the Jews had at the first Passover. Passover foreshadows the Crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, Yeshua, the Light of the World. The Seven Days of Creation are the Complete Plan of Salvation before sin.
Day 1: Darkness/Light
9th Plague Darkness/Passover
Darkness 3 hours/Jesus Crucified on Passover
Day 2: Firmament of Waters
Striped and Pierced Unleavened Bread
Jesus Full Day in Grave, His Body did not see corruption Only sign Jesus gave was 3 days/3 nights- Jonah in the whale
Day 3: First Fruit Trees
Feast of Firstfruits
Jesus Resurrected on Feast of Firstfruits
Day 4: Sun, Moon, Stars
Jesus sends Holy Spirit , God’s inner light on Feast of Weeks
Day 5: Fish and Birds
Feast of Trumpets
Shofar Sounds: Good on Eagle Wings, Evil to judgment waters
Day 6: Animals /Man
Day of Atonement
Sheep sacrifices, Jesus revealed to Israel, look on Him pierced Sabbath: God Rests Feast of Tabernacles 1,000 Year Rule of Yeshua and Bride/ Tabernacle on Earth
There is no Death before Sin. So evolution is a hoax. There are no billions of years that science can prove to exist: one cannot observe nor repeat the beginning, therefore it is not even science. It is only a ‘model’ or an idea. Mankind was made in the image of God from the dust of the earth, before the bones of millions of dead men and animals. The dust of God’s image does not include dead men’s bones. We are the reason for death and decay. “For as in Adam all die, in Christ shall all be made alive,” I Corinthians 15:22.
Israel is almost 70 years old, 1948 to 2018. Moses said in Psalm 90 a man’s life and a generation is 70 to 80 years. This is also the Psalm that says “A thousand years is as yesterday.” We are nearing the end of Man’s rule on the Planet Earth. The True owner of the Earth is returning to take back possession of His “real estate”. The nation of Israel exists once again to receive her Messiah and King, the Second Coming of Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach. It is almost 70 years for modern Israel, and almost the end of 6,000 years for Man’s rule on the Earth.
All the nations of the Earth are in position to wage the wars of the predictions of the Old Testament prophets: Ezekiel 38, Russia and Iran next door to Israel and ready for nuclear war; Isaiah 17, the destruction of Damascus, the capital of Syria, destroyed by chemical or nuclear weapons; Psalm 83, the nations surrounding Israel ready for war. Second Peter 3 speaks of the elements melting with a fervent heat: Atomic or Hydrogen Bombs.
I do not think this is a dress rehearsal. The last days will be like the days of Noah and Sodom. Read Leviticus 20 and see the similarity of the sins of 3,500 years ago, beginning with 60 million abortions in the USA.
God said He judged the world in the time of Noah because of the violence: in Hebrew - Hamas. (Genesis 6:11) Jesus mentions this in Matthew 24:37-42, and said, ”And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away.”
Do you realize that most of the technology we depend on is powered by oil and fossil fuels? This oil comes from the plants buried under the Judgment waters of the time of Noah. We are literally powered by the fire of judgment! Now we are concerned about a fire that is millions of degrees hotter: nuclear weapons, the force that powers the Sun itself. There are two judgments: one by water and one by fire. The Judgment by Water actually happened in the time of Noah. God means business, and it will not be business as usual.
The Feasts of the Lord are not party days, but sober days of repentance and self-examination. These are the appointments we must all keep with our Creator and Lord, and each one of us individually must appear. Jesus is there to appear with us, we don’t have to be alone. We need to call on Him and be Saved. He created us, died for our sins, and so has bought us back from death and destruction. The true God brings life and loves us.
“Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” II Peter 3:11,12
Robert Lyons December 28, 2015
There will be two total solar eclipses in seven years that will form a “Black Cross” over the United States of America. The first is on August 21, 2017, next year. The second is 7 years later on April 8, 2024. The paths of these two solar eclipses will intersect over southern Illinois, around the city of Carbondale.
On the Biblical calendar, the first eclipse on August 21, 2017, occurs on Elul 1, the day Jesus began his forty day fast. The fast ended on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This was the beginning of Yeshua’s 3½ year ministry for the salvation of the world. Jesus was handed the Bible and read from Isaiah 61:1
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me...to preach deliverance to the captives...to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” These are the words said on the Day of Atonement at the start of the ‘Jubilee’, the year of release of people and debts.
The next total solar eclipse, on April 8, 2024, occurs on the Biblical New Year, Nisan 1.
A lunar eclipse is a bad omen for Israel, and we just had four of them in 2014 and 2015. A solar eclipse is a bad sign for the nations of the world. Since the United States is the greatest nation, this may be a foreboding sign as these eclipses form a cross, near the population center of America. The eclipse in 2017 bisects the country in half, going west to east, starting in Oregon and traveling the length of the land to South Carolina. The eclipse in 2024 travels south to north, from Texas through Maine. Therefore the paths of the two black eclipses literally intersect near the city of Carbondale, Illinois.
On a personal note, I used to read a book by R. Buckminster Fuller, “Utopia or Oblivion”. He was the inventor of the geodesic dome and a professor at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale in the 1960’s.
The last time a total solar eclipse crossed America was a hundred years ago, 1918, the end of WWI. The end of WWI saw the break-up of the 400 year Ottoman Empire rule over Jerusalem, and the release of Israel to the control of the British. (General Allenby entered Jerusalem on foot without a shot!)
In 2018, the nation of Israel will be 70 years old. It is also about 6,000 years since Adam and the Creation of the world. We are heading for troubling times, and the Bible predicts a future 7 years of tribulation. The solar eclipse years 2017 to 2024, may just be a warning “shadow” of what is yet to come. What are we to do?
Judgment to the nations of the world is coming, as sure as science is predicting the two eclipses of the sun. We should repent and be ready for the “Day of the Lord”.
Astronomers predict that this will be the ‘most viewed’ eclipse ever, for it is in summer and easily accessible for millions of people.
It may also be a double warning to as many as will view it, that the creator of the sun, moon, and stars is planning His Second visit to His planet Earth.
Dating the past until the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse:
500 years 1517 Luther and Protestant Reformation; Ottoman Empire rule over Jerusalem.
120 years 1897 Herzl and First Zionist Convention for Israel
100 years 1917 British Balfour Declaration favoring a Jewish State
70 years 1947 United Nations establishes State of Israel
50 years 1967 Jerusalem under Jewish Israeli control
The Jewish Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach, better known as Jesus Christ, will be returning shortly to take possession of His purchased real estate: The Planet Earth, Ruling from Jerusalem, Israel.
Robert Lyons San Diego, CA February 9, 2016
The seven days of the creation week represent the 7,000 year history of the Human Race, in Thousand year divisions.
Creation of Time, Space, Energy, and Matter.
4,000 BC-3,000 BC Creation of the Human Race, Adam (lived 930 years) and Eve, marriage, sin, cities, government, culture, knowledge of Universe
Division of waters from waters forming the sky
3,000 BC-2,000 BC Noah’s Ark, judgment of the earth by water above and below, Tower of Babel and the scattering of the nations.
Gathering of oceans from land, First fruit trees and vegetation.
2,000 BC-1,000 BC Gathering and identification of God’s people, Abraham to King David, lineage of Yeshua the Messiah, firstfruit from the Dead.
Sun, moon , stars, for signs, and time of the 7 feasts of Messiah.
1,000 BC-1 AD Arrival of Messiah, Jesus (Yeshua) to earth, the Glory of God with us, future hope of the Eternal Kingdom and rule on this planet.
Birds of the Sky and Fish in the Sea, both can migrate 10,000 miles.
1 AD-1,000 AD Diaspora of Jewish people from Jerusalem, scattered throughout the earth. Two branches on one root: Christians and Jews.
Man made in God’s image, Bride and Bridegroom, beasts of the earth.
1,000 AD-2,000 AD Fully developed nations, technology, ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons; judgment of the earth by fire; birds and beasts of the earth ravaging the world; return of the new Adam, Yeshua the Messiah, to save the world from total destruction.
Sabbath peace and rest and love, Adam and Eve’s Honeymoon.
2,000 AD-3,000 AD Yeshua reigns over the world from Jerusalem with His Bride, the Faithful believers; restoration of the Kingdom of David and God keeping His promises to Abraham and his descendents.