The Pale Blue Dot Response
Yes, we are alone. God made the stars to see and appreciate His Glory and power and majesty. He put us on the edge of a spiral galaxy so we could see above and below the galactic plane, so we could see the other billions of galaxies. We are not a two or three-star system where it would be daylight all the time, but only the Sun, so there is day and night.
He made the stars very very far away, light years away. A light year is not time, but a distance: Six Trillion Miles. Our Voyager space crafts have been traveling since 1976, and they just passed the Heliosphere, about 12 billion miles. At the current speed of about 36,000 miles per hour, it will take 20,000 years to reach the nearest star.
Stars are big, bright, and very far away. And there are a lot of them: 100 billion per galaxy, and it looks like about one trillion galaxies!
So where is everyone? If there are planets on one out of ten stars, and one out of a million have life, there should be all kinds of life out there.
But we haven’t found even one!
Scientist talk of the building blocks of life found in space, but these are very small groupings of atoms: ten to twenty. Look on the internet, the smallest living single cell contains 600 billion atoms all working together. Life must be able to reproduce and be able to interact with its environment. These building blocks of carbon atoms are so very far from actual life, it would take a miracle, not “chance”.
God the made the stars distant, God made the life on this planet unique and special. You can’t take one special place, life on Earth, and say this is what happens everywhere. If you only have one example, then it is unique and special and speaks of Special Creation, not chance.
The answer to the meaning and origin of life on earth must be found on Earth itself: because we have the most information and complex living things to examine first hand right in front of us. As human beings, we are the only creatures that can think, reflect on the universe, and experiment with reason and machines. The answer must be found on our very own unique planet.
Our search for life in outer space is the wrong place to look: the molecules are too simple and they are just too far away-God made it that way on purpose. We are looking light years away to find someone or something that would: give us world peace, heal our diseases, solve our environmental problems, make us live forever, and show us the meaning to existence. That someone must come from a source outside the Earth, maybe from outside this Universe, with words we could understand.
That someone did come to our planet Earth, and it was the Creator himself, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. His name is also the Word of God, and He came as a man so we could communicate and relate to him. He came to give us world peace, heal our diseases, give us meaning to life and immortality: everything we are looking for in outer space. The answer is in our hearts, not out there. The book of Deuteronomy in the Bible says its not so high that who will go up there for us, or not on the other side of the sea in some distant land, but the word is right in front of your face, the word of Faith in your mouth.
God is close. The creator is near. He said “I am from above, you are from below…I came to give you life, and life abundantly.”
Yes, the answer can be known. It is God the creator sending his Son to die on a cross two thousand years ago, so we could live forever. Jesus made the world, visited his creation, died for our sins, and will return in person and live here with us for one thousand years.
Carl Sagan was wrong when he said, “We have only ourselves (on this Pale Blue dot of a planet), there is no one coming to save us from out there.”
Oh, but someone did come, showed us His everlasting love, and gave us the Bible, words to communicate what this life is about.
He made believing in Him simple, and it was for every tongue, race, tribe, men and women.
But life can be hard, painful, and unfulfilling. The world is complex and deep, but God is deeper still. That is why the Bible covers everything from the Creation of the Universe, to the History of Mankind, to human relations, and finally to the needs of our very own soul.
But God is not long ago in a galaxy far far away. He is nearby, if you would only ask. Seek and you will find. He is near. He proved His love by dying for us. Ask and you will receive and find it is all true.
The very first word of the Bible in Hebrew, even the very first letter of the Hebrew Bible foretells the Alpha and Omega, the Aleph and the Tav of the Universe. This is the letter Beit , “B”, which means House. The House of God is the Universe itself, with the Earth as the center of His divine plan, because You and I are here, God’s Bride, God’s treasure hidden in the field of the earth. House in Hebrew is spelled with the “Beit”, the “Yod”, and the “Tov”. This translates into the “Home of the Family of the Hand on the Cross.” The first word in the Bible is “Beresheet”, in the beginning. If you take out the Beit , Yod, Tov, the house, what remains is “Rosh”, the Head or Prince of the House, who is Jesus, Yeshua, our Creator and Savior.
Because the Hand on the Cross is recognized in the very first letter and word of the Bible, therefore the Omega, or End of creation is prophesied of the coming judgment by the Lord of the House, Jesus the Messiah.
It is not the “heat death” of the very cold of the “Big Bang”, but a heat death of a very hot fire. The world has already experienced judgment by water in Noah’s flood, but the second judgment will be by fire.
Let us put Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, at his proper place, crucified before the foundation of the world. The House, Universe, is His creation, made by Him and for Him. This is His Universe: “In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth”; “In the beginning was the Word..all things were made by Him.” I am the Beginning and Ending of all things, the Alpha and Omega, the Aleph and the Tav. All things came from God and all things will return under His rule.
Thankfully that God loves us, died for us, and will appoint us as Kings, Priests, and especially His Bride. Praise God Almighty.
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those that love Him”.
On this side of Eternity, life does not seem fair or just. But Jesus has promised that what we have in Eternity far outweighs the ‘light afflictions of the present age.
The best answer to a true Christian cosmology is to follow the Bible as closely as possible.
For one thing, yes there is a beginning to Time and Space! God is in control, Time starts, the Book of Revelation has an end. One Scripture says “and there was time no longer’. There is an end to your life in this existence, there is an end to this Universe, and there will be a New Heavens and a New Earth, where dwells righteousness. The key is how to get there. That key is Yeshua, Jesus Himself is the way, the door, to eternal life. If the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, you will live forever, immortality.
Another key word is His Everlasting Kingdom, and let His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Don’t you see that Everlasting Kingdom “means” from before Creation even until the re-creation in the New Heavens and the New Earth. It doesn’t stop or start, it is forever, as Jesus is the ruler of Heaven and Earth for all time. God Is, He is the Great I Am, no beginning or ending. His actual Kingdom is Forever, the Prince of this House or Kingdom is the Alpha and Omega, the Aleph and the Tav, the Beginning and Ending of all things.
All of this Big Bang and Singularity where the Laws of Science breakdown, this totally Disqualifies the Big Bang as Truth and therefore is relegated only as “Science Fiction”. But Souls are being lost because the relegating of the first eleven chapters of Genesis as a “Fairy Tale”, robs God Almighty of Being the True Creator of all things, and the way He said He accomplished this was through “Speaking” things into existence. And the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us, and this Word is the Son of God in whom are hid all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom.
And God has left His Signature in the Creation of the Universe when He embedded His Seven Part Plan of Redemption in the very content and order of the Days of Creation. The Seven Feasts of the Lord when placed over the Seven Days of the Creation Week, explain and place God’s plan of Redemption at the very foundation of the Heavens and Earth. For example, the Third Day of Creation, the First Fruit Trees, corresponds to the Lord’s Third Feast, Feast of Firstfruits, which corresponds to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, on the Third Day, the Firstfruit of all those (including us) who in turn will rise from the Dead: to Immortality.
So the Creation Week instead of being a “Fairy Tale” or an “Allegory” or only a “Symbol” of some True Reality, IS actually real and true and happened exactly as God Almighty spoke Heavens and Earth into existence. This Creation week, with the plan of redemption imbedded into the order and content of the Seven Days, is actually true reality, the meaning of life, and the secret of immortality with God. There is no other greater meaning or purpose to life, than what is revealed through the power of the Creator himself, the love of God exemplified on the Cross at Calvary, whereby we must be saved. And this world definitely needs Salvation, forgiveness of sins, healing of the nations, peace on Earth and goodwill toward men. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him would not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
When did God first love mankind? He was crucified before the foundation of the earth, before creation. God’s plan for good for mankind and the earth was from before the beginning, his love is everlasting, and his truth endures through all generations: He truly is the Alpha and Omega.
Why lose your immortality in heaven over science fiction?
Now God created the Sun, Moon, and Stars on day four, corresponding to the Fourth feast of the Lord, Pentacost or Feast of Weeks. Acts Two has at least Four references to Astronomy, and God always referred to Abraham’s descendants as numerous as the Stars. Of course the descendants of Abraham include Jew and Gentile, the Church, all those of the Faith of Abraham until the present Time.
All of these events of the Bible happened in real time and real historic places, with real historic people: mainly within the last 6,000 years, in the Middle East, Israel and Egypt and Mesopotamia. The individuals include Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham Isaac and Jacob, Moses, Yeshua the Messiah and the twelve Apostles.
The secret is in the revealing of God’s plan “in the fullness of time”. Now, Israel and the Jewish people are once again in their ‘Promised Land’. The plan of God is still unfolding, Yeshua is still in control. Jesus said he would return and set up his kingdom here on earth for a thousand years, the Millenium. But it hasn’t happened yet: but it will.
The guarantee of the Laws of Astrophysics is in the existence of the Jewish people, the lineage of the Messiah. God says in Jeremiah 31:35 that the only way the Jews can be destroyed is by terminating the Laws that govern the heavens. The New Covenant is backed up by all the stars and galaxies in the heavens. Since the earth and the solar system came first according to the Fourth day of creation, we are not stardust, but the stars are made of Earth dust.
There is really something wrong with our thinking. First, just because the Universe is expanding does not mean it started from a single dot. No, it started from a certain size and it is expanding. Second, we keep thinking the spiritual realm of the Three Person God also began when the Universe began, like always thinking Jesus began as a baby with Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem. In no way, God Almighty has always been, His Kingdom was for eternity before the creation of this Universe, His power and authority is unmatched unchanging. We are at this point of time just waiting for the return of Jesus Christ who made the Earth and bought it back with His own blood. We are just passing through, He is the real LandLord of the entire Earth. Who do we think we are? He says compared to His power all the nations of the world, all of mankind’s achievements and history is like “a drop in a bucket”.
Get real, you are temporary, the earth is temporary, and the Real owner is coming back to claim it and there is nothing we can do but submit. Thank goodness He is a loving God who proved it on the Cross.
The Earth is referred to many times in scripture as having a ‘foundation’. The heavens speak of ‘stretching out’ or ‘folding as a tent’. The Earth is the foundation of the universe in the sense that God himself spent time here as a human being, Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah: breathing the air, eating the bread, drinking the wine, walking, working, submitting himself to ‘Time’ itself in the seven day week and the Jewish customs, walking to the Cross on the Lord’s feast day of Pesach, Passover as the sacrificial Lamb of God to take away our sins and restore mankind to everlasting life and fellowship with our Creator.
The Earth and the Solar System are the sources of the composition of the Stars: Water( hydrogen and oxygen), Dust (Silicon and Iron) from the crust of the planets.
The Earth is in a literal sense the ‘Rock’ from which all the stars are formed: the dust and heavy metals were contained First in the Earth, that was made Before the Stars.
Indeed, we go back to the very first letter in the Hebrew Bible, “B” – Beit, the House. And in Hebrew house is spelled ‘Beit ( House), Yod (Hand), Tov (Sign or Cross). Thus the entire universe spills out the “House of the Hand on the Cross”. The Earth by the Creator’s plan, becomes the Center of the Universe: for this is where Jesus, the actual creator became a Man and literally was sacrificed with his Hands nailed to the Cross in Jerusalem, Israel, on Earth 2,000 years ago.
Now Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning”, is actually predated by John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word”. God, Jesus, Yeshua, the actual creator of all things is obviously before the creation of the Earth and the Universe. He is the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega, and the Aleph and the Tav.
Therefore, the “Family of the House of the Hand on the Cross”, the first letter of the Bible, connects the entire Universe with the Earth, where the Man whose Hand was nailed to the Cross, lived and died and rose again from the dead. This is the mystery of the universe. And this connects the Seven Days of Creation with the Seven Feasts of the Lord, to imbed the plan of salvation and eternal life in the very Seven Day creation week: Passover and Crucifixion to Tabernacles and the Millenium.
“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.” II Corinthians 4:6
This is why Deuteronomy 30:11-14 says you don’t need a spaceship to reach up to the heavens, or take a sailing ship to the far parts of the sea, for God is near you, on your lips, the word of Faith.
The Bible is so concerned about you, I mean you, God calls into play the entire Cosmos, the Universe itself, to help you make the right choice for your own personal eternity: Deuteronomy 30:19, “ I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live.”
Choose wisely my friend! Choose rightly for you and your loved ones!
Forever is a very very long time.
Hebrews three speaks of the ‘House’ as the entire universe that Jesus created. And we are the prized possession of the universe and the earth, why God made all things to begin with and lived, died, and rose again on the earth for us. John 3:16
So the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. And of course Jesus Christ the Creator of all things could enter his creation by becoming a baby, living as a man, and then die on the cross for all men to, Make the captain of their salvation suffer and then bring many sons to Glory, Hebrews 2.
Now the fact that God created the Earth as a mineral garden in Genesis 1:1 and then cursed it in Genesis 1:2 by flooding it with deep dark waters, and then begin to recreate it in Genesis 1:3: this makes it Impossible for this to align with the Big Bang theory at all!
In addition, this makes it Impossible for any other planet in the Universe to match the creation of the Earth, in any “ Goldilocks Zone”, that is all the balance of forces that make life possible here on Earth is not just by a purposeful all powerful and design conscious creator, but a God who had a spiritual direction as well: the destruction of satan and the establishment of mankind, the Bride of Christ, as the inheritors of all things and eternal life.
Even all the Creation materials leave out this spiritual dimension in their creation accounts because they do not see 1) the initial creation of the Heavens and the Earth in Genesis 1:1 was actually perfect to begin with, it was not originally formless and void, 2) in a Gap of time the Earth became formless and void, as this was the judgment on the earth because satan rebelled against God Almighty, and he was judged with the place satan ruled, the Earth.( this is not ‘dinosaur’ time, no death before Adam’s sin) 3) the earth was recreated in Genesis 1:3, again for spiritual reasons to bring forth the new ruler of earth, Mankind 4) that the Seven Day creation week is a pattern of the Seven Feast Days of Leviticus 23, placing Jesus and the Spiritual plan of God from Crucifixion to Millenial Rule imbedded in the creation itself, for this is the very reason the Universe was created, to destroy the works of satan and the one-third angels that rebelled, and bring forth the Bride of Jesus and the Wife of Jehovah into an everlasting paradise, Revelation 21 and 22.
So watch out, the Big Bang theory is not Biblical, does not align with the Seven Day Creation Week,( the Earth came before the Sun, Moon, and Stars and the Earth on day three already had dry land, oceans, oxygen, atmosphere and living plants, before any death, )
And before Genesis 1:1, was John 1:1, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things were made by Him…He came unto his own but his own received him not, but as many as did receive him were to become Sons of God. Here is true replacement theology, replace those who are submitted to satan with those who are followers God, Jesus, the true God and Creator.
So the signature of the creator Jesus the Messiah is in all things, and before all things, The first and the last, the Alpha and Omega, and the Aleph and the Tav.
He is before Genesis 1:1, He is the purpose of all things, all things made by him and for him, and all things and people will bow the knee to the true God, Jesus Christ, I John 5.
We do not bow the knee to Jesus because he is prideful, (Philippians – humbled himself and became a servant to mankind, to even the death on the Cross), but because He really is the true God and the one that made us!- Psalm 139 - I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
It is all about the first letter of the Hebrew Bible – Beit, meaning house, spelt by three letters, Beit ( meaning family of the house), Yod (meaning hand), Tav ( Meaning sign or cross), The Family of the House of the Hand on the Cross. Is this not the signature of God Almighty, Jesus, Yeshua, at the Beginning of the Bible and Creation.
No, don’t look to outer space for the answers, or to another planet around a distant star, the Answer to life’s meaning is right here:
WE are the anomaly in the Universe. There is no place like the Earth teeming with life, there is no place with people like us, and there is no place like Israel and Jerusalem where God came down as the man Jesus, Yeshua, gave us the words of Eternal Life(Immortality in paradise), and died and rose from the dead to prove it was all true. Jesus quoted from Genesis and about creation(He is the creator), so all of Genesis is true, God does not lie so it all happened the way he said just as you believe the future in Heaven is all true, for it was prophesied in the Seven Day Creation week, telling the end from the beginning: the whole universe came from the House of the Family of the Hand on the Cross: BEIT – the very first letter of the Hebrew Bible.