

The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation of 2.725 Kelvin is the temperature of the original creation of Genesis 1:1. It is not the result of a Red Shift or the Cooling Down of an expanding Cosmos.

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” Job 38:4

The CMB is isotropic, the same in every direction, and has a thermal black body spectrum at a temperature of 2.725 Kelvin (-270 degrees Celsius, or -455 degrees Fahrenheit). It peaks in the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum at 160.2 GHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 1.9 mm.

The CMB is the essential ‘proof’ of the ‘Big Bang Theory’. By placing this radiation in the Bible in the very first verse, one can truly undermine the ‘non-observable and non-repeatable’ events of ‘The Big Bang’.  The Creation was spoken into existence from the Word of the Almighty God of the Bible, whose one hand spans the entire Universe.  All the magnificence and power of Biology and Physics, from DNA to Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, point to a Designer and not to chance.

Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

In the beginning (Time)

God created the heavens (Space) and the earth. (Matter and Energy: E=MC2)

Everything has to have a temperature, and 2.725 Kelvin, is the one God chose for the original perfect creation of Genesis 1:1.

It is interesting that both ‘Young Earth’ Creationists, and ‘Deep Time’ Evolution Scientists agree that the source of the CMB is not in traditional stars, dust, or galaxies.

“A sensitive radio telescope detects a faint background glow, that is almost uniform and is not associated with any star, galaxy or other object.  This glow is found to be strongest in the microwave region of the radio spectrum.  This background radiation was discovered by Penzias and Wilson in the year 1964.”

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation,

Dr. Danny Faulkner on pages 73 and 74 of his “Universe by Design”, 2004, states the “CBR cannot be caused by dust or starlight…thermal radiation from dust should be very inhomogeneous, unlike the very smooth CBR.”

This idea is repeated by Dr. Jake Hebert on page 71, “Universe”, by ICR, 2024, “We observe very faint but uniform electromagnetic radiation  - radiation not associated with particular stars or galaxies – coming from all directions in space…brightest in the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum.”

The perfect universe of Genesis 1:1 can be the only source of the ‘Cosmic Microwave Background’ radiation: before the creation of the sun, moon, and stars.

There is no Big Bang Theory, nor its Evolution, nor the science fiction of a Multiverse.

The God of the Bible is the true source of all things created.  He has a caring plan for the Cosmos and all our personal lives.  Unless you can believe that ‘everything’ came from ‘nothing’, and that a trillion degree ‘singularity’ 13.8 billion years ago formed all the glorious biologic and stellar universe, one is left only with the ‘Word of God’.

The beginning of the Universe was time, space, and the earth as a beautiful mineral garden, all at the temperature of 2.725 Kelvin. (-455 degrees Fahrenheit)

Genesis 1:2

“‘Now’ the earth ‘became’ formless, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” 

This is the correct translation of this verse from the original Hebrew according to Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Ariel’s Bible Commentary, the Book of Genesis, 2009, pages 28-46. 

What became of the perfect ”Cosmos” was chaos and Divine judgment.  The words ‘waste and void’, ‘tohu va vohu’, in Hebrew, are always a negative when used together.  ‘Darkness’ is definitely associated with judgment and evil throughout the Bible. The ‘deep’, ‘tehom’, is the ‘salty deep’, or the abyss.  Not one of these words describes the original perfectly created (Bara) world of Genesis 1:1. 

It is not logical for God to ‘curse’ the Universe to begin with. The earth ‘became’ cursed because of the Fall of Satan. This is a ‘gap’ of time, only for the fall of Satan: this is not “dinosaur time”, millions of years, but a curse on the earth, making it “formless and void”.  There is no death here before Adam’s Sin.  The ‘gap’ of time may only have been six hours, equal to the time Jesus was on the Cross. 

It is this short ‘gap’ that separates us from the original perfect creation.  Thus the source of the Cosmic Microwave Background becomes a distant ‘relic’ radiation from the past.  Nevertheless, it can be traced to the Bible, where the Big Bang and Evolution account is out of sequence and time frame of the Seven Day Creation Week of Genesis 1.

Isaiah 45:18 states: “…God himself that formed the earth and made it; he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited.”

The ‘Spirit of God’ was ‘hovering’ like a dove to renew the earth and create a new master of the world: Human Beings, made in the image of God their Creator.

Genesis 1:3

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”  

This was the first appearance of ‘light’ in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, 4,000 to 7,000 Angstroms, Blue to Red light. On the First Day God creates light and separates it from the Darkness. It is possible that ‘dark matter and dark energy’ were part of the ‘curse’ in Genesis 1:2.

The Seven Days of the Creation Week were actual 24 hour days.  This is always the case when the Bible lists the days consecutively (first, second, third, etc.) and when it says “evening and morning”.  Genesis 1 uses both of these formats.  The Days of Creation were made for Mankind’s measure of Time: the present worldwide adoption of the Seven Day week confirms this.  Even the Creator, Jesus, subjected himself to this order of time.

We see light created on Day One, waters separated from waters with the Sky on Day Two, and the Earth teeming with life on Day Three. The sun, moon, and stars were made on Day Four in two parts.

The Science of the order of creation of the Cosmos follows the Bible:

A) God of the Bible (Omniscient, Omnipotent, Loving)

Beresheet, The Hebrew letters of the First word of the Bible: The Prince of the family of the house of the hand on the cross – the meaning of the Universe found in Messiah Jesus.)  John 1:1-14

B) Time, Space, Matter, Energy, The Cosmic Microwave Background Genesis 1:1 (From the perfect original creation of the Heavens and Earth)

C) The Chaos and Darkness upon the earth Genesis 1:2 (From the curse on earth from the Fall of Satan, a short ‘gap’ of time, possibly when ‘Dark’ Matter and ‘Dark Energy’ were created)

The Re-Creation of the Heavens and the Earth  Genesis 1:3-31

Day 1 

The Light: Separation of Light from Darkness (First Light in the Visible part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum)

Day 2

The Waters from Waters: The Sky (The Rakia: the Firmament or Stretching out of the Sky)

Day 3

1) The Earth: First Protects Life from the Sun (Plant Life protected by the Earth’s atmosphere and Magnetosphere from the Sun’s harmful rays (UV), and the Solar Wind; contains all 92 elements; abundant liquid water and 3 times the water 400 miles inside earth’s mantle for Noah’s Flood; Fire, 9800 degrees, and Brimstone, Sulphur, in Earth’s iron core)

Day 4 Part 1

2) The Sun: Second Protects Life from Nearby Stars (Sun, Moons and Planets; 12 billion mile Heliosphere protects the Solar System from cosmic rays from other stars and supernovae; the moons and large planets sweep the solar system of dangerous asteroids) (1 light day equals 16 billion miles)

Day 4 Part 2 

3) The Stars and Galaxies: Third ‘He made the stars also’ (God Spoke the Stars into creation at the cold edge of the Heliosphere. The Solar System placed in a safe area of the Milky Way Galaxy on a spur of the Orion Arm: 27,000 light years from high energy rays of the center of the Galaxy, with a clear view above and below the galactic plane to view billions of other Galaxies: Declare the Glory of God.)  See Job 38:29-33

Day 4 Part 2

4) The Great Cosmic Web: Fourth Declare God’s Glory (Rivers of stars and streams of filaments throughout the Universe feed the Cosmic Web on the largest scales. All the elements that feed the stars and Galaxies originated from the Earth and our Solar System, at the very cold edge of the Heliosphere) We are not ‘stardust’, stars are made of ‘earthdust’.

The Great Mass of the Universe was created at the edge of the Sun’s Heliosphere:  this caused an extreme time dilation for the Solar System and the Earth.  The Earth experienced only one day, while the Universe expanded and covered 13.8 Billion light years, a possibility derived from Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. Clocks and time run at different speeds according to their placement in the Universe.

Also, the process of this expansion was sped up because Space itself can travel faster than the speed of Light: 186,000 miles per second.  Since the stars were formed about sixteen light hours away at the edge of the Heliosphere, their light could reach us in less than one twenty-four hour day. The Mass of the stars were formed, but their full illumination could have occurred later as the Universe expanded.

Day 5

5) The Fish and Birds:  Fifth (Fish fill the Seas and Birds multiply above the earth; fill the empty void of the oceans and sky.)

Day 6

6) The Land Animals and Mankind: Sixth (Animals complement the empty void of the Land; Men and Women are the Crown of Creation who are made in God’s image, for whom God will sacrifice His Son Jesus, Yeshua)

Day 7

7) The Sabbath: Seventh (The fulfillment and purpose of all Creation: A Bride and Bridegroom living in Eden, Paradise, walking in the Light of the Living God.  This took only Seven Days, and it will now take Seven Thousand Years before the New Heavens and New Earth of Revelation 21 and 22, and the Earth will once again be a mineral garden)

“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.”   Isaiah 46:10