“One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”, II Peter 3:8.  What does this mean in the context of the entire chapter of II Peter 3?   The full context of this statement concerns the Complete Plan of our Salvation.  The passage begins in verse four with man’s ignorance about Creation, The Flood of Noah, and the final Judgment by Fire.  Then in verse nine, God says that He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  The previous verse (seven) and the following verse (ten) are all about judgment by fire: so the context is the Complete Plan of the Salvation of Man: repentance, and then returning to Paradise and escaping this fire!

The Complete Picture of Salvation begins in creation with the Garden of Eden: The Bride and Bridegroom living in Paradise and walking with God in the light of Day.  The same image of Salvation is presented at the end of the Bible in Revelation 21 and 22: The Bride and Bridegroom living in Paradise in the light of the Living God.  Jesus is the Creator and Savior, the first and the last of all things.  He replaced the first Adam who failed.  Jesus was sinless and was qualified together with his Bride to have dominion over the Earth, which will begin 6,000 years after creation, the end of the 6th Day. Isaiah says that God knows the end from the beginning: the end is prophesied in the 7 Day Creation week.

The First Complete Picture of Salvation was finished in seven days, the Creation Week.  This plan was before Man sinned and required no Blood Sacrifice. After man had sinned, it would take 7,000 years for God to enter History, to die for mankind, and to restore man back to Paradise and fellowship with His Maker.  The Seven Days of Creation are 24 hour days, for whenever the Bible says Evening and Morning, or 1st day, 2nd day, etc, it always means 24 hour days. 

A Day is as a Thousand Years is not a metaphor, this is an absolute comparison: because the context is the “time” needed to accomplish the Complete Salvation of Mankind: to bring him back to Paradise and a right relationship with His Creator and Savior.

It took 7 days for the Complete Picture of  Salvation in a world before sin (everything was very good).

It will take 7,000 years to Complete the Picture of Salvation after man sinned, and death and decay entered the Universe (restore the world to ‘very good’). Then God will create a New Heavens and a New Earth.  (Revelation 21)

Real written Historic records only go back a few thousand years.  All other dating methods include assumptions which cannot be scientifically confirmed because we were not there.  The earth is nearing the end of 6,000 years according to the Genealogies in the Bible (Genesis 1-11, and Luke 4, Adam to Jesus).  The millennial rule of Jesus Christ is soon to begin.  He is Lord of the Sabbath, so He will rule the earth in the last 1,000 years on this planet:  6,000th year to the 7,000th year, the Sabbath of Days.  The number of Man is 6, corresponding to his creation on the sixth day. He may have lasted only 6 days in the Garden of Eden before eating of the Tree of Good and Evil: History is the result of this decision.  Man has had 6,000 years to rule the World, and he has brought us to the edge of Armageddon.   The biggest issue in the year 2016 is Terrorism and Nuclear Weapons.  Jesus needs to return before we blow ourselves up.

The Seven Days of the Creation week correspond to the Seven Feasts of the Lord in Leviticus 23.  The Seven Feasts are God’s Seven Appointments with mankind to Complete the Plan of Salvation.  The Sabbath Day in the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12, links the days of Creation with the Feasts, beginning with Darkness to Light on the First Day. This corresponds to the Light the Jews had at the first Passover.  Passover foreshadows the Crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, Yeshua, the Light of the World.  The Seven Days of Creation are the Complete Plan of Salvation before sin.


Day 1:  Darkness/Light                                   

9th Plague Darkness/Passover       

Darkness 3 hours/Jesus Crucified on Passover                                                      


Day 2:  Firmament of Waters       

Striped and Pierced Unleavened Bread   

Jesus Full Day in Grave, His Body did not see corruption Only sign Jesus gave was 3 days/3 nights- Jonah in the whale             


Day 3:  First Fruit Trees                                                       

Feast of Firstfruits 

Jesus Resurrected on Feast of Firstfruits


Day 4:  Sun, Moon, Stars


Jesus sends Holy Spirit , God’s inner light on Feast of Weeks              


Day 5:  Fish and Birds                                                             

Feast of Trumpets

Shofar Sounds: Good on Eagle Wings, Evil to judgment waters     


Day 6:  Animals /Man

Day of Atonement 

Sheep sacrifices, Jesus revealed to Israel, look on Him pierced Sabbath:  God Rests Feast of Tabernacles 1,000 Year Rule of Yeshua and Bride/ Tabernacle on Earth   

There is no Death before Sin.  So evolution is a hoax.  There are no billions of years that science can prove to exist: one cannot observe nor repeat the beginning, therefore it is not even science.  It is only a ‘model’ or an idea. Mankind was made in the image of God from the dust of the earth, before the bones of millions of dead men and animals. The dust of God’s image does not include dead men’s bones.  We are the reason for death and decay.  “For as in Adam all die, in Christ shall all be made alive,” I Corinthians 15:22.

Israel is almost 70 years old, 1948 to 2018.  Moses said in Psalm 90 a man’s life and a generation is 70 to 80 years.  This is also the Psalm that says “A thousand years is as yesterday.”  We are nearing the end of Man’s rule on the Planet Earth.  The True owner of the Earth is returning to take back possession of His “real estate”.  The nation of Israel exists once again to receive her Messiah and King, the Second Coming of Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach. It is almost 70 years for modern Israel, and almost the end of 6,000 years for Man’s rule on the Earth.

All the nations of the Earth are in position to wage the wars of the predictions of the Old Testament prophets: Ezekiel 38, Russia and Iran next door to Israel and ready for nuclear war; Isaiah 17, the destruction of Damascus, the capital of Syria, destroyed by chemical or nuclear weapons; Psalm 83, the nations surrounding Israel ready for war. Second Peter 3 speaks of the elements melting with a fervent heat: Atomic or Hydrogen Bombs.

I do not think this is a dress rehearsal.  The last days will be like the days of Noah and Sodom. Read Leviticus 20 and see the similarity of the  sins of 3,500 years ago, beginning with 60 million abortions in the USA.

God said He judged the world in the time of Noah because of the violence: in Hebrew -  Hamas. (Genesis 6:11)  Jesus mentions this in Matthew 24:37-42, and said, ”And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away.”

Do you realize that most of the technology we depend on is powered by oil and fossil fuels?  This oil comes from the plants buried under the Judgment waters of the time of Noah.  We are literally powered by the fire of judgment!  Now we are concerned about a fire that is millions of degrees hotter: nuclear weapons, the force that powers the Sun itself.  There are two judgments: one by water and one by fire.   The Judgment by Water actually happened in the time of Noah.  God means business, and it will not be business as usual.

The Feasts of the Lord are not party days, but sober days of repentance and self-examination.  These are the appointments we must all keep with our Creator and Lord, and each one of us individually must appear.  Jesus is there to appear with us, we don’t have to be alone.  We need to call on Him and be Saved.  He created us, died for our sins, and so has bought us back from death and destruction.  The true God brings life and loves us.

“Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?”  II Peter 3:11,12

Robert Lyons    December 28, 2015     


