The Year 1897: Low-Tech to High-Tech
The Year 1897 is a turning point in History. Three major events converged in this year:
ELECTRICITY: Nicola Tesla dedicates the First Power Generator by Niagara Falls; brings electricity to New York City. (Tesla’s Alternating Current can travel long distances and will light the world. Thomas Edison perfects Direct Current.)
SCIENCE FICTION: H.G. Wells publishes the “War of the Worlds”. (Science fiction becomes the mythology of our modern age (Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.), and inspires Robert Goddard with NASA to build the Apollo 11 rocket to the moon in 1969.) Real Science interwoven with Science Fiction.
ISRAEL: First Zionist Congress with Theodore Herzl meets at Basel, Switzerland. (The State of Israel in 1948 foreshadows the 2nd coming of Jesus, the true Light of the World.)
Electricity: Divides Low Technology from High Technology.
Electricity is the Source that Powers our modern world:
AC current travels thousands of miles and lights our cities and powers our factories. (Nicola Tesla)
DC current that runs your cell phone, computer, and fine tuned surgical instruments. (Thomas Edison)
The harnessing of ELECTRICITY outside of the laboratory, into the hands of everyone, frees us up to make cars, planes, televisions, and even rockets to the moon. Although Electricity for the masses began in 1897, the legacy of that time is still in the news today: Thomas Edison started the General Electric Company, and the Tesla name is on an electric car.
The Tower of Babel and Low Technology
Because of the evil of man in building the Tower of Babel (to be like God), God cursed the people with confusion of languages. God saw that if all men worked together, nothing would be impossible to them. So God restrained mankind, and left him to low technology for 4,000 years. The word ‘restrained’ in Genesis 11:6 (Hebrew Strong’s H1219 “batzar”, means to hinder, make inaccessible, and hard to be understood.”) This is what God cursed man with until the last 150 years, when God lifted the curse of low-tech knowledge to our modern sciences. There is a software program called “Babel”, which will translate any language in real time to another, thus reversing the curse.
Mankind up to recently was dependent on low-tech to power his world: Wind power, animal power, running water, and the backs of men. There was steam power, but the real breakthrough was electricity. The remembrance of this lifestyle is still here in reference to engine ‘Horsepower’, lighting with ‘How many Candles”, and ‘Foot-pounds’ of strength.”
The release of the knowledge in modern science and technology is from God. It is interesting to note that this knowledge - atomic weapons, satellites, television, computers, cell phones, and robots - is so recent and only in this generation. It is because God himself is getting ready to return, and he will show who is King of kings, and Lord of lords.
Doubling of Knowledge
Daniel 12:5 prophesies of the days we live in: “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased”. When I was growing up, they said knowledge doubled every five years. Today it is probably every 6 months. Also, travel has multiplied with intercontinental jets and cruise ships the size of a small city. There has never been a time like now. But be it known: We are still in Bible times; that the high-technology world we live in of electric cars, space exploration, cell phones, and computers, is as much predicted and God ordained as Noah’s flood and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea out of Egypt. God Almighty is still in control, until the end of the age when He returns to rule again, in Person, for a Thousand Years, the Millennium. We know there is evil in the world, in ourselves, and in society, so Judgment Day is coming. We can’t account for the whole world, Jesus died for that, but we must repent for our own soul’s sake.